Internal Cleaning Pigs

The cleaning pigs are in charge of cleaning inside the hydrocarbon transport pipelines, they are the first tool used in the In-Line-Inspection (ILI).

Depending on the type of substance transported by the pipeline is the type of cleaning required, Grupo PIESADEC has a wide variety of cleaning pigs to meet the necessary cleaning requirements.

Multi-Disc Pigs

Dual-Diameter Pigs

Conical Cup Pigs

Batching Pig (Cup Type)

Displacement Pig (Disc Type)

Other Cleaning Pigs

Brush Cleaning Pigs

Articulated Pigs

Pipeline In-Line-Inspection (ILI)

Pipeline In-Line-Inspection (ILI)

icono MFL

MFL Pigs (Magnetic Flux Leakage)

MFL Pigs (Magnetic Flux Leakage)

icono geometra

Caliper Pigs

Caliper Pigs

icono DMR

DMR (Direct Magnetic Resonance) Pigs

DMR (Direct Magnetic Resonance) Pigs

icono ultrasonido

Ultrasound Pigs

Ultrasound Pigs

icono limpieza interna

Tracking Pigs

Tracking Pigs