Hardness Measurement

The hardness measurement is defined as «an evaluation that allows to determine the resistance of a material to the permanent deformation by the penetration of another harder material». However, hardness is not a fundamental property of a material. However, measuring the hardness value of a material provides us with information regarding its physical properties.

The hardness in materials can be measured in different ways, which can be:

  • Rockwell hardness test
  • Brinell hardness test
  • Vickers hardness test
  • Micro hardness test
  • Mohs hardness test

There are three main standard test methods for expressing the relationship between hardness and print size, which are Brinell, Vickers, and Rockwell. Each of these methods is divided into a range of scales, defined by a combination of applied load and indenter geometry.

Grupo PIESADEC performs this type of tests with calibrated equipment and qualified personnel.