api 510 1

Fitness for Service API 579

API Recommended Practice 579 is a compendium of methods for evaluating the structural integrity of equipment and pipes that contain identified defects or damage, including the evaluation of metallurgical conditions and stress analysis to more accurately indicate whether the equipment or the pipe is suitable to continue in operation or, on the contrary, the defect or damage detected affects its mechanical integrity that it cannot continue in service. The analyzes offer a solid basis for making decisions and allowing the component to continue to function as is or its operational variables must be altered, repaired, monitored, or replaced.

Grupo PIESADEC has the professionals to be able to carry out the FFS evaluation at any of the three levels, realizing the current integrity of the component and the projected remaining life.

Employing evaluation techniques to:

  • General and localized corrosion.
  • Scattered and localized Pittings.
  • Laminations.
  • Misalignment of welds and plate.
  • Crack type indications.