Verticality and Roundness of Storage Tanks

The application of verticality and roundness studies in vertical storage tanks provide information on the current state of the envelope and determine if it requires repair or construction, these evaluations are made in accordance with the codes API-650, API-653 and NFR-223-PEMEX 2010.

The verticality to detect internal and / or external deformations is determined by plumbing to the vertical plane of construction of the tank.

The determination of the roundness of the tank allows us to know if there are increases or decreases in the different levels.

“Peaking” allows us to measure vertical deformations in the envelope.

“Banding” is a measurement of distortions in the horizontal plane of the envelope.

The evaluation of the foundation is carried out in the horizontal plane of the tank to be able to measure deformations.

Grupo PIESADEC has personnel specialized in determining the verticality and roundness of storage tanks with experience in the application of measurements and with the necessary certified equipment to be able to carry out measurements reliably and accurately.