Guided Ultrasonic Wave

This Non-Destructive Test is used for the detection of anomalies, corrosion or erosion and defects related to the loss of cross-section in pipes, commonly used to evaluate the conditions of the pipes in places where there is no direct access to the pipe or having direct access is very difficult or very expensive; and where conventional techniques cannot reliably determine the conditions of the pipes.

The guided ultrasonic wave technique is used in rapid tests or is a scanning technique to detect, locate and classify corrosion defects. Large sections of pipe with 100 percent volumetric coverage can be quickly scanned to determine the precise locations of corrosion damage.

The main advantage of using the Guided Ultrasonic Wave technique is the inspection of long lengths (up to 150m of pipe in each direction) from a single point, and some other advantages such as:

  • Reduction in access costs to the pipes to be inspected, avoiding the removal and replacement of insulation (where present), except in the area where the ring is placed.
  • The inspection can be carried out with the installation in service.
  • The ability to inspect inaccessible areas, such as: buried pipes, highway passes, pipe racks at heights, etc.
  • The entire wall of the tube is inspected achieving a 100% evaluation of the area of ​​the inspected pipe.
  • Inspect the area of ​​the supports in pipes where the supports are a part of concentration of corrosion, it is possible to inspect the section under the supports using the Guided Ultrasonic Wave technique.

When guided waves are used for non-destructive testing or evaluation applications, the interpretation of the resulting information must be performed by suitably qualified and experienced engineers working with validated procedures.

Grupo PIESADEC has experienced personnel certified as Level II under ISO-9712 ​​in the technique for the evaluation of buried pipes and road crossings and evaluation of pipes with supports. It has 3rd and 4th generation Wavemaker equipment and rings to cover all pipe diameters.