Phased Array Ultrasonic

The Phased Array Ultrasonic combines ultrasonic elements that generate an ultrasound beam whose parameters: angle, focal length and the size of the focus area are adjusted by software, with this it is possible to quickly change the angle of the beam to inspect welds without moving the probe. The inspection of welding by means of a variable angle beam allows to maximize the detection of defects whatever its orientation, a Phased Array Ultrasonic transducer contains several ultrasonic elements configured in a spatial arrangement either linear or circumferential.

This technology is applied in Non-Destructive Testing of welds in pipes, pressure vessels, storage tanks and process equipment, to have a more accurate evaluation of the state of integrity of the welds. With this technique it is possible to visualize and evaluate the defects found in welds such as:

  • Lack of penetration
  • Crack at the root
  • Porosities
  • Inclusions

It is used in corrosion mapping, with this non-destructive test the most precise evaluation of indications is possible.

Main Advantages

  • High speed electronic sweeps can be performed without moving the part.
  • inspection using multiple angles with the use of a single probe
  • Flexibility for inspection of complex geometries
  • The focusing distance and inspection angle can be improved.

Grupo PIESADEC has more than 7 years carrying out inspections with Phased Array Ultrasonic for the evaluation of welded joints and the mapping of plates both in pressure vessels and in tanks, we have Level II certified personnel in Phased Array the ISO-9712 scheme and SNT-TC-1A, we have 16:128 and 32:128 certified equipment with transducers and shoes to cover all inspection requirements.

The Phased Array Ultrasonic is based on the electronic modification of the acoustic characteristics of the probe, it is performed using delays in the emission and reception times of the ultrasonic signals in the individual elements of a probe arrangement.