Positive Identification of Materials

Positive Material Identification (PMI) is used to determine the chemical composition of materials and with this to be able to identify the type of alloy with which they are made, materials such as: tubes, valves, pumps, plates, etc.

The Positive Material Identification (PMI) helps to verify that the elements that make up the different materials correspond to the requirements with which they were requested.

It is used when information on the equipment in the plants is unknown or not available, to corroborate or know the materials with which they are made.

Positive material identification equipment has the ability to detect elements such as: Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Zr, Nb, Mo, Hf, TA, W, Re, Pb, BI , Pd, Ag, Sn. And they can indicate the percentages of each element that make them up.

Grupo PIESADEC has qualified personnel in the positive identification of materials and with equipment that allows the positive identification of materials in a reliable and precise way.