Metallographic Replicas

The metallographic replica, despite not being considered a Non-Destructive Test method, is used routinely to superficially study possible inhomogeneities associated with metallurgical changes and mechanical properties in equipment and components. The metallographic replica allows the detection of microstructural changes at the surface level of the components such as: graphitization of carbon steels, grain growth, decarbonization and globulization of pearlite or cementite in pearlite.

Taking metallographs in the field is ideal to determine the state of the pipes inside furnaces, boilers and exchangers, without requiring samples of the specimens to be analyzed. Metallographic pegs provide information on the microstructural state of materials and determine if the material can continue to ensure the integrity of the equipment.

Grupo PIEADEC performs the evaluation of metallographic replicas with metallurgical engineers with experience in the taking and interpretation of metallographic replicas.